We have been thinking about our learning over this term. We gave ourselves some big pats on the back for the great things we have been doing and learning....
I am reading at Level 18 now. Kodie
I really enjoyed doing mathletics. Briana
I got better and better at my spelling words. Grace
I started eating all my lunch this term. Antonia
I got a certificate for doing so well at mathletics. Jayden
I finished my powerpoint presentation about tarantulas. Campbell
I've beene really good at basic facts! Charlie
I really am good at mathletics. Rebecca
I know all my basic facts up to 10. Lorilee
I like my level that I am on now. Alyssa
I am really, really good at spelling. Callum
I know my basic facts up to 20. Jack
I have learned my 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Darrin
I am learning to fix up my mistakes in writing. Rob
I did really well in my timestables this term. Salani
I have done really well at reading my books. Dylan
I am reading at higher levels. Cameron
I learned lots about animals when we learned about the rain forest. Paolo
I have learned how to work on a Mac computer this term. Xanthe
Hi - we are a class of 21 Year 2 and 3 kids from Bradford School in Dunedin. Ms Little is our teacher from Monday to Thursday and then Mrs Mitchell-Bain is our teacher on Fridays. Aren't we lucky?! Two teachers! We hope you enjoy reading our blog to see how much we have been learning.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Yesterday we had a cricket skills lesson with Steve from Otago Cricket.
He taught us lots of things like...how to catch a ball. You should cross your pinkies over to keep your hands together and then close them like a book when the ball lands in there.
We warmed up with a game of snowball tag. We played non stop cricket - half of us were batting and half of us were fielding then we switched over.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Rainforest Game
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