Here we all are - what a gorgeous bunch! The new revised version of champion learners in Room 4! We lost a few kids to room 5 but we see them all the time! A HUGE big welcome and 'we are so glad to have you with us' to Brayden. It is like he has always been here!
Here is a copy of the class letter that went home today. Look forward to another exciting year on our blog -remember to keep checking in and leaving us messages!
Kia ora and welcome back to Bradford everyone!
I hope everyone had as good a holiday as I did! I am feeling very ready to be back with the gang in Room 4 – what a good looking bunch they are too, taller, browner, minus a few teeth and even some different hair styles!
A busy term ahead of us yet again… We are going to be discovering all about how “We Have The Power”. The power of Learning is going to be a big focus for us this term. The team in Room 4 have already been putting their ‘architect’ hats on and thinking about how we can set up our room to make sure we have a great learning environment. Keep an eye on our blog (bradfordfantasticfour.blogspot.com) to see what else we have been thinking hard about and trying out!
The regular learning programme will begin next week, while we will still have our reading bags, the reading logs are being replaced by a home learning journal! Keep up that daily reading though, it can be a great way to calm a busy mind before hitting the hay!
It’s a good idea to bring a nice big bottle of water to school to keep on our desk and keep our brains fuelled during the day. It is also a great idea to have a spare change of clothes in your bag, just in case of any accidents!
Library – Monday
Discovery – Thursday (see attached note)
Any ‘making stuff’ you have at home, magazines or old newspaper are always appreciated along with a box of tissues to keep sniffles tidied away!
I am really looking forward to another fabulous year at Bradford School.
Any questions, Mums and Dads, just come on in and have a chat – or alternatively you can email me on alittle@bradford.school.nz
Ka kite ano,